Monday, May 9, 2011


MODERNISM is a revolt against realism and took off in the 1850’s. It is a new modern movement with perspective people who cannot stand the classicism of the time. The main characteristics of Modernism were the Self-consciousness, the Identity of the Unity and the power. Organization regarded as a social tool and an extension of Human Logic.
According to agreement was a progressive trend that confirms the power of people to create. Surrealism was the most extreme form of Modernism.
In Modernism there are no rules, artists follow their feelings and you will see at their painting or in any creation something abstract. Paul Jackson Pollock was one of the biggest dealers of abstract. He was a pioneer and original artist who found a new way to express his feeling and give a message at the same time. As he said he liked to work on the floor because with that way he could see the work from all sides. When he was painting he didn’t know what he was doing and he had no fear to make changes. He was spontaneous and he had a contact with his creation all of the time.
and nice combinations he used to represent those.  Also, I felt very peaceful and calm while looking at his work, as it felt like I was travelling in another world.

POSTMODERNISM is a movement that came to hit the Modernism. It presents social structures that follow the change that characterizes the time and the place. People, who follow postmodernism, are more reactive in comparison with modernism and threaten the stability of managed life. Furthermore, the work it presents has an opposite theme like for example, Female vs. Male, Black and White, Rich and Poor. These paintings aim to deliver a strong and powerful message to the person who observes them.

The main features of Postmodernism are pluralism, textuality and scepticism. This movement has influenced many areas, such as the theatre, architecture, cinema, marketing and religion. Banksy’s creations can be characterized by this movement.

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